Creating Networks of Social Innovation for the Elderly with Communities as Foundations: A Case Study of Chedi Hak, Mueang, Ratchaburi

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Ranida Nuchniyom
Sirinthorn Sinjindawong


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the knowledge in the context of the area, society, and culture of the aging, 2) synthesize the knowledge, society, and culture of the aging, and 3) create a social innovation network for the aging with community as the foundation. This research was conducted by using qualitative research methodology starting with in-depth interviews. The research process was divided into 3 phases; Phase 1: visiting the area to study the knowledge from personnel of local government organizations, Phase 2: synthesize the knowledge, society, and culture from the folk philosophers, and Phase 3: creating a social innovation network for the elderly from representatives of the elderly and the youth. The researchers used snowball sampling or chain sampling.

The results show that 1) area context about knowledge, society, and culture of aging can be divided into 5 areas as follows: food and health, arts and crafts, culture and tradition, agriculture, and the way of life of the community, 2) The results of synthesize the knowledge, society, and culture by using the P.O.I.N.T concept, it was found that 2.1) Problems (P): Lack of a platform to show the potential of the elderly, 2.2) Opportunity (O): Having a network of the elderly to create wisdom, 2.3) Insight (I): Elderly in the community lack interaction,  2.4) Needs (N): Space for various activities, and 2.5) Interesting issues (T): Building relationships among the elderly in the area, and 3) Results of creating a social innovation elderly network with a channel to communicate with the community as a sustainable foundation.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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