Development of Competency-Based Curriculum Based on Experiential Learning Theory to Enhance Local Curriculum Developers Teachers’ Competencies

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Wilaiphorn Witchayawat


This research aimed to: 1) Develop an experiential learning-based competency framework to enhance teachers' abilities as local curriculum developers, and 2) To study the outcomes of using the competency-based experiential learning theory curriculum through a research and development approach. The sample were specifically selected and include 30 teachers, 3 school administrators, and 2 educational supervisors. Tools used in the research were frameworks, instructional materials, tests, competency assessments, and questionnaires. Data were analyzed by  content analysis, mean values, and standard deviations.

Results revealed that: The experiential learning-based competency framework consisted of 8 components. The framework emphasized competencies in three areas, and the capacity to evaluate curricula and use assessment outcomes for curriculum development. This framework consists of 6 learning units and is rated as highly suitable. Regarding to the curriculum's application were from the post-development, teachers' test scores measuring knowledge and understanding of local curriculum development were significantly higher compared to pre-development scores. Teachers exhibit a high level of competence in developing and utilizing local curricula.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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