Causal Factors in New Normal Instructional Management on Upper Secondary Students’ Achievement of Chiang Rai Province

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Poramin Arideach


This research aimed to study the relationship between causal factors in new normal instructional management and the achievement of upper secondary students in Chiang Rai Province. Additionally, the study sought to examine the consistency between the causal factors model and empirical data gathered from upper secondary teachers in Chiang Rai Province. Moreover, the research aimed to investigate the direct, indirect, and total effects of variables influencing the achievement of upper-secondary students in Chiang Rai Province. The sample group comprised 172 upper secondary teachers from Chiang Rai Province, and the research instrument used was a questionnaire with three parts. Path analysis was employed for data analysis.
The research findings are summarized as follows:
1. The relationship between causal factors in new normal instructional management and the achievement of upper secondary students in Chiang Rai Province exhibited correlation coefficients ranging from -0.90 to 0.655 among the five variables.
2. The causal factors model aligned well with empirical data, demonstrating an R2 value of 0.58.
3.  The variable with the highest direct and total effect on the achievement of upper secondary students was the readiness of online technology. Additionally, the attitude towards using online technology in instruction had an indirect effect with statistical significance at the .01 level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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