Needs of Urban Community Welfare for the Elderly to Sustainable Development in An Active Ageing Society: Case Study of Flat Sirisat Keha Sriyan Community in Dusit District, Bangkok and Talad Noi Community in Samphantawong District, Bangkok

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Saen Keeratinawanun
Siriya Rattanachuay


The objectives of this qualitative research article were: 1) To study the needs of the elderly according to urban community welfare; 2) To study the model of the urban community welfare for the elderly, which is appropriate to the context of the potential aging society in urban communities; and 3) To study mechanisms and processes in managing urban community welfare for the elderly, leading to a potential and sustainable aging society. This research is qualitative, and has 2 main groups of informants: 1) a group of leaders of both communities were 12 people. 2) a group of the elderly in both communities were 28 people, totaling 40 people. The research too[s were studying documents, observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group.

The results of this research found that: 1) The needs of the elderly regarding urban community welfare for the elderly consist of the needs of public health, Physical and Mental health, Recreation, Environment and Infrastructure, and Financial and Income. 2) Four models of urban community welfare for the elderly were  Public health, Recreation, Trade and Income, Environment, and Infrastructure. 3) Mechanisms and processes in managing urban community welfare for the elderly that the case studies of both communities use altogether such as Community activities on the important days, community and volunteer leaders, and The Network of relationships both inside and outside the community.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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