Digital Intelligence of Undergraduate Students

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Sahaphat Satapaniganone
Sirichan Sathirakul Tachaphahapong
Pateep Methakunavudhi


This research aimed to measure the digital intelligence of undergraduate students and compare it based on their gender, major, and Grade Point Average (GPA). Sample were 402 undergraduate students from autonomous universities in all four regions of the country using the Two-Stage Random Sampling method. The research instruments included digital intelligence tests for under-graduates, and the data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean (M), and standard deviation (S.D.). Differences were compared using a t-test along with a one-way ANOVA test.

The findings indicate that overall, undergraduate students have good levels of digital intelligence. When examining specific aspects, it was observed that: 1) Digital Safety is at a good level, 2) Digital Emotion is good, 3) Digital Awareness and Participation are at a good level, and 4) Digital Literacy is at a very good level. When comparing digital intelligence based on gender, major, and Grade Point Average (GPA), no statistically significant differences were found at the .05 significance level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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