Assessing the Needs for Developing Dance Classrooms: A Study Using the Learning Community Model for Elementary School Dance Teachers
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This research article aims to investigate the essential prerequisites for establishing a dance classroom dedicated to Thai performing arts, utilizing the learning community model within the context of primary school dance education. The study comprises two components: 1) a qualitative analysis involving in-depth interviews with ten expert teachers and group discussions with an additional ten dance arts instructors, and 2) a quantitative analysis utilizing a questionnaire distributed to 370 primary school dance teachers specializing in Thai performing arts. Qualitative data underwent content analysis, while quantitative data were assessed using statistical measures, including mean, standard deviation, and the modified Priority Needs Index (PNI).
The findings underscore a significant need among dance teachers of Thai performing arts to cultivate classrooms based on the learning community model. Quantitative results indicate that the overall environment and the process of organizing dance in Thai performing arts teaching, with a modified PNI index of 0.37, surpass the critical value of 0.30, signifying an urgent need for development in this domain. Upon closer examination of individual aspects, the modified PNI index ranged between 0.35 and 0.37. The top three priorities identified were the environment and process of organizing dance teaching in Thai performing arts (0.37), the design and creation of educational innovations (0.36), and the management of dance arts classrooms and learning community aspects (0.35), respectively.
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