A Model for Teamwork Excellence in Schools of Nakhon Ratchasima Province
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The objective of this research was to study the components, processes, and success conditions of a teamwork master model for achieving excellence in schools in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The research employed a qualitative approach and was divided into two phases. Phase 1 focused on studying the components and guidelines for achieving excellence through teamwork in schools, which consisted of two steps: 1) Document analysis to identify the components of effective teamwork in schools, and 2) Confirmation of these components and exchange of knowledge about teamwork towards excellence. Phase 2 involved developing and validating the teamwork model for schools. This phase also comprised two steps: 1) An on-site study of exemplary teamwork practices in three selected schools, and 2) Validation of the teamwork model by presenting it to five qualified experts to confirm its accuracy, appropriateness, and feasibility. Data analysis included content analysis, summarization, and presentation of research findings.
The research findings revealed that: 1) The components of teamwork towards excellence consist of 3 dimensions: personnel, processes, and success conditions. 2) The teamwork process towards excellence includes six steps: context analysis, planning, implementation, support, monitoring, and reporting and evaluation. Personnel development in teamwork involves creating awareness, providing knowledge, enhancing skills and experience, promoting self-development, exchanging knowledge, and job shadowing. Teamwork evaluation encompasses assessing the context readiness, fundamental and supportive factors, teamwork processes, and team performance. 3) Success conditions for achieving excellence in teamwork include 3 dimensions: personnel, process, and work environment. The validated model for teamwork towards excellence was found to be appropriate, accurate, and feasible for implementation.
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