An Innovation Model for Enhancing Innovator Competency in Educational Institutions Affiliated with the Bangkok Vocational Education Institute: A Management System Utilizing Dashboard-Based Administrative Data Visualization
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The purpose of this research was to analyze needs and develop a model for developing students' innovator competencies. The study was divided into 2 phases: Phase 1: analysis of needs for competency development; Phase 2: development of innovation prototypes for developing innovator competencies with a management system that displays administrative data on dashboards. The sample group used in the research consisted of executives; research division supervisors, 39 person teachers for in-depth data collection, and 5 experts in innovative technology for evaluating the suitability of the prototype. The tools used were an in-depth interview form and a prototype innovation evaluation form. The content analysis found that Vocational Education Institutions want to develop students' innovative competencies; Creativity Problem-solving, Focus on achievement, Communication and Knowledge, and practice for the results of evaluating the appropriateness of the IDES Model innovation prototype consisting of I: Indicate, preparation step, D: Development, step of competency development according to design thinking, combining project-based learning management, consisting of understanding learners, identifying problems, brainstorming and planning. Developing innovative prototypes Testing and presenting the prototype E: Valuation, evaluation process and displaying dashboard management data (Dashboard) in the form of graphs, comparative statistics S: Success, the process of summarizing results and reflecting development results (Reflection) The suitability was at the highest level ( = 4.56, S.D. = 0.54).
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