The Election Behavior of People in Phichit Province
พฤติกรรมการเลือกตั้ง, ประชาชนAbstract
Research Election behavior of people in Phichit province The objectives of this study were 1.) To study the election behavior of the people in Phichit province. 2.) Compare the election behavior of the people in Phichit province; and 3.) To study the recommendations of the local government organization in the future. Quantitative data by using questionnaire Qualitative data from key informants, in-depth interviews, are government officials involved in the election. Academic Politics Community leaders Public sector representatives. Three groups were interviewed using self-generated interviews as a tool to collect data. The results are summarized as follows.
The results showed that: The overall picture was very high ( = 3.85). When you go to vote, you are responsible for the duties of Thai citizens. The lowest mean score was Always keep up to date with your local election information. For comparison, public election behavior. It was found that people with different age, gender, and status did not differ in their education, occupation, income, personal relationship with the applicant. There was a statistically significant difference at .05 level in the community.
Study Suggestions Can be summarized as follows. Local governments should have the means to disseminate information to the public about elections and governance to the fullest and most consistent. Secondly, the penalty should be repealed in case of non-election. There should be measures to control the canvassing behavior that persuades them to vote too. The ability and performance of the group and the candidate is a key factor in the selection of candidates.
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