Publication Ethics

Ethics for publishing articles

RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts define roles and ethics for publishing articles for those involved with the journal, including authors, editors, and reviewers adhering to the same guidelines and important standards as follows:


  1. The author must submit new work. It has never been presented in processing and published in a journal before.
  2. The author must prepare the article according to the format specified in “Instructions for Authors.”
  3. The authors named in the article must be involved in the research or a real study.
  4. The authors must report information from the result of the study and research that is true, not distort or report false information.
  5. The authors must not copy the work of others and the authors’ own work. If authors used it in an article, citation must be made to appears both in the content and a list of references at the end of the article.
  6. The authors must specify the source of funding for the study and research, as well as identity conflicts of interest (if any)
  7. The authors must not submit, publish, or distribute the work with other sources during the journal’s publication review process.

Editors and Editorial Teams

  1. The editorial team sets rules, formats, criteria, and ethics for publication.
  2. The editorial team considers the content of every academic article that is considered for publication, both in Thai and foreign languages. As well as various aspects, including the completeness of the elements in the original articles. Congruence with the goals and science of the journal, quality of the article, accuracy and modernity Including not copying or publishing work from other places before. The decision to select articles to enter the publication process and acceptance for publication has been made through the article evaluation process. Using the evaluation results from experts.
  3. The editorial team determines and coordinates at least 2 experts with expertise consistent with that article and proceeds with the process of evaluating the quality of the article. (double-blind peer review) to comply with the quality assessment of academic journals by the Thai Journal Citation Index Center (TCI Center).
  4. Editorial team, authors, experts, and journals must be free from any conflicts of interest.
  5. The editorial team must maintain the confidentiality of information about authors and experts. throughout the publication consideration process.
  6. The editorial team by using a program that is reliable according to international principles to check for plagiarism, if we find that you have copied the work of others, your own, or found that it has been published elsewhere, either in the form of a journal or the full version of the article after being presented at an academic conference (Proceeding). The editor must contact the main author for clarification. If the main author does not explain or the explanation is unreasonable according to academic principles The editor can refuse to publish the article.
  7. The editorial team reviews articles without bias towards the author. Whether agencies, Academic position, age, gender, race, nationality, religion, culture, and politics, including academic principles must be considered throughout the publication consideration process.
  8. The editorial team must implement a journal management system. To maintain the journal's standards and academic quality. Including continuously developing the journal to have higher quality.


  1. Article reviewer will evaluate articles in subjects where they have real expertise in both the Thai language and foreign language by considering Integrity of elements in the article, compliance with Article content, article quality, accuracy and up to date Including if you find an article that has been plagiarized or published elsewhere before. The reviewer must inform the editor immediately. As well as not judging articles by using personal opinions that are not supported by academic information as a criterion for evaluating and judging articles without bias. You can suggest research results, theories, and concepts that are useful for articles to be evaluated that the author does not refer to.
  2. Article reviewer must independently evaluate and provide academic suggestions. without conflicts of interest with the author or journal If there is a conflict of interest, the article reviewer must inform the editor and refuse to evaluate and make recommendations on the article.
  3. The article reviewer does not disclose information about the article and the article's author to any other person throughout the evaluation period.
  4. The reviewer must not seek any benefit from the article or the author.
  5. The article reviewer must carry out the publication consideration process in accordance with the time frame. Evaluate articles as agreed with the journal.