Factors influencing on vegetable buying decisions from traditional retailers in Bangbon District, Bangkok
Nowadays, consumers buy fresh vegetables from the traditional trade, market while the trend of buying from the modern trade is increasing. This is because the consumers’ behaviors have changed in terms of variety of products, accessibility and satisfaction of the buying locations. The entrepreneurs have to adapt and improve their products, selling methods and uniqueness to meet the needs of consumers. This research aims to study the marketing factors that affect consumers’ decisions to buy fresh vegetables in the traditional trade stores in Bangbon District, Bangkok.
The results find out that most respondents are 279 females, ageing between 21-30 years old, holding Bachelor degree and working as employees. They have monthly income around 15,001 – 30,000 Baht. Their opinion regarding to 7Ps marketing mix factors which affect fresh vegetable buying decision making from traditional retailers in Bangbon area, Bangkok are product and place.
The demographic factors which affect fresh vegetable buying decision making from traditional retailers in Bangbon area, Bangkok are age, education background and occupation. The entrepreneurs can use the result of this study to develop selling strategy for fresh vegetable in traditional retailers by understanding both their behaviors and developing product mix to serve customer needs.
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