Perception of supervisor management And social support with The performance of personnel Service Support department at Thammasat University Hospital


  • ทัศนีย์ นิมนภาโรจน์


The research aimed to study the relationship between perception on the management of supervisors, social support and the performance of personnel at the Service Support Department at Thammasat University Hospital. Statistic calculation using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient equals 0.92 were randomly distributed to participants. Descriptive analysis, t-test Independent, On-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product moment correlation, and Multiple Regression were applied to analyze the data. The results were as follows: 1. there were no significant differences between gender, marital status, job age, job position and education level among the participants, but there was a significant difference between period of time that each participant working at the Social Support Department and the social support. 2. There was a moderately positive relationship between the perception of their supervisors’ management, the social support and their work performance with r = .426 and r = .656, respectively. 3. Both variables (the perception of supervisors’ management and the social support) could explain the performance of the personnel at the Service Support Department with multiple linear regression at 43.4 percent. The regression coefficient (β) of the perception of the management of the supervisor (SB) was .092, and β of the social support (SS) was .722


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How to Cite

นิมนภาโรจน์ ท. (2019). Perception of supervisor management And social support with The performance of personnel Service Support department at Thammasat University Hospital. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 7(1), 64–75. retrieved from