Case study of Wild Boars: Youth Soccer Team trapped in Tham-Luang, Nang Non Cave with their Self-Compassion.


  • kidanan chumnanvech Psychology Program Faculty of Education Chandrakasem Rajabhat University


As the successful rescue of Wild Boars: Youth Soccer Team in Tham Luang - Nang Non Cave, the study found their Self-Compassion as the key. All members of the team have total understanding of their own-self and accepted the actual situation which has occurred without self-accusation. Persons with self-compassion have their ways to get through tough situations and difficulties


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How to Cite

chumnanvech, kidanan. (2021). Case study of Wild Boars: Youth Soccer Team trapped in Tham-Luang, Nang Non Cave with their Self-Compassion. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 9(2), 123–130. Retrieved from