Influence of factors affecting English communication with motivation as a central variable and anxiety as a controlling variable


  • Jaruporn Tangpattanakit


Speech promoting factors for Communication, Speaking in English, Motivation, Anxiety


The purpose of this research were 1. To study the influence of factors in English communication, practicing in English, basic knowledge of English, Strategic factors for learning English, Personal attitudes towards English that affect English communication of undergraduate students in Chonburi province 2. To study that motivation is a mediator variable between the factors of English learning strategies and English communication. 3. To study that anxiety is a controlling variable between motivation in learning English and English communication. The sample group used in this research was 385 undergraduate students in Chonburi province.

            From the results and hypothesis testing, it was found that the factors of English practice, basic knowledge of English, learning strategies and personal attitudes towards English had a direct effect on English communication. In addition, from the analysis of relationships, the results demonstrated that motivation was a mediator variable which had an influence as a partial relationship between the relationship of English learning techniques and English communication. Furthermore, the results from testing the relationship between motivation and English communication, is was found that motivation had a relationship with English communication and interaction variables Therefore, it can be concluded that anxiety was a moderator variable that had a semi or partial relationship (Quasi Moderator).


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How to Cite

Tangpattanakit, J. (2020). Influence of factors affecting English communication with motivation as a central variable and anxiety as a controlling variable. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 8(2), 111–126. Retrieved from