Development guidelines for OTOP in response to Chinese consumer behavior with Thai government policy


  • Tanapon Srisukwatanachai


Government policy, Otop, Marketing, Consumer behavior, China


This academic article is intended to present an overview of the Government policies, including Chinese consumer behavior analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of one district - one product policies, and all significant issues to developing one district - one products for export in China. The Thai government has defined policy for the government sector and banks in the state's regulation force regarding one district-one products from China.  This article focuses on product advancement, knowledge training, standards development and packaging, distribution acquisition channels, as well as finding support for low-cost financial regulations and unstable government regulations.

It found that Chinese consumers demand a diversity of products, and focuses on the government and consumer behavior to do Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Treatment analysis (SWOT). Regarding the results, it leads the way to development of one district - one product practices.  The entrepreneur must design the products alike, according to Chinese consumers’ demand, by separating provinces according to those with more potential of buying demand, need for high quality products, and high price. The entrepreneur must develop products, and use packaging to create more value. Some parts of provinces in China have less potential, and entrepreneurs need to show the consumer to focus on the profitability and value of the products. Moreover, the government sector and related department should focus on the operators to have copyright or patents, in order to prevent duplication and imitation, which is the number one problem in China.


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How to Cite

Srisukwatanachai, T. (2020). Development guidelines for OTOP in response to Chinese consumer behavior with Thai government policy. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 8(1), 1–12. Retrieved from