Service Marketing Mix Influencing a Decision on Buying a Used Car of Customers in Chiang Mai Province


  • Soponwich Cheewananthadit Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna
  • Paipan Thanalerdsopit Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna


Service Marketing Mixes, Decision Making, Used Car



This research aims to study the customers’ behaviors to buy used cars in Chiang Mai; examine the level of their opinions about the products, prices, places, promotions, service staff, developments and suggestions on physical characteristics, processes and decision making of customers to buy; and investigate factors of service marketing mix influencing a decision to buy a used car of customers in Chiang Mai. The 369 participants selected for data collection by using a questionnaire were those who were interested in or used to buy and expected to buy a used car. The descriptive statistics used for data analysis were frequency and percentage, and inferential statistics used for testing the difference between 2 variables were t-test and F-test. As for the customers’ behaviors, the results revealed that they were interested in buying a used car, Toyota brand, priced between 200,001 and 300,000 baht with a car engine of 1,500–2,000 cc. They received the information about used car stores from their acquaintances who mostly paid on a bank loan or by installment. Moreover, the person who was involved in the decision-making was their family. It took them 2–3 months to make a decision to buy a used car. In terms of their opinions, the highest level was on the product or service, physical evidence/environment and presentation, pricing, service staff, promotions, places and processes, respectively. Finally, as for the seven service marketing mix factors, the results indicated that the most influential factors were pricing, products, and physical environment, respectively. In contrast, the other four factors which did not affect their decision included a promotion, processes, service staff, and places.


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How to Cite

Cheewananthadit, S., & Thanalerdsopit, P. (2021). Service Marketing Mix Influencing a Decision on Buying a Used Car of Customers in Chiang Mai Province. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 9(1), 19–34. Retrieved from