Peek Daeng: A postcolonial theoretical approach


  • บัณฑิต ทิพย์เดช คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา


Postcolonial, Representation, Discourse, Peek Daeng


Peek Daeng: A postcolonial theoretical approach. The aim is to study the cultural representation of the East through a Western perspective. It also studied the construction of the discourse of the West to dominate the East.


The study indicated that Representation of the East Consists of 5 representations, namely the east and the pictures of beauty East with pictures instead of the chaos East with Representative image of survival East with a picture of loyalty East with pictures of joy and optimism.


While the image of the Western world Consisting of 4 representations of the west and the depictions of violence Western with depictions of dominant genes Western with pictures instead of smart people, West with Representative image of heroes.


In addition, there are 4 methods of constructing discourses: East and West: Beauty and usability. East and West: Epicurean and predator West and East: Dominant Gene and Distressed Gene West and East: Heroes and Chaos Maker.


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How to Cite

ทิพย์เดช บ. (2022). Peek Daeng: A postcolonial theoretical approach. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 10(1), 159–170. Retrieved from