Information Technology Skills for Primary School Teachers in a Digital Society
Teacher Roles, Essential Skills, Primary School Teachers, Digital SocietyAbstract
Teachers cannot deny that the use of information technology has played a very important role in teaching and learning. This article would like to present information technology skills for elementary school teachers in the digital society, which are essential skills for primary school teachers in the digital society. The priority of teaching and learning today, however, frequently rests with the students, with teachers serving as assistants to help students reach their full potential by using information technology as a tool, which necessitates that teachers serve as information managers and learning managers in order to ensure proper learning. In order to stay up with information technology media, educators must develop learners' competencies, or the information technology abilities required for knowledge, skills, ideas, and communication in order for learners to be able to live and work in the modern world. Therefore, in order to prepare students to be ready to adapt to live appropriately with the characteristics of the society go in a society that is constantly changing, teachers' roles and responsibilities must be coupled with information technology skills for elementary school teachers in the digital society. Due to the fast change and obsolescence of information and technology, teachers must promote lifelong learning among their pupils.
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