The Development of Preschool Teachers’ Knowledge and Abilities in Provision of Learning Experience on Whole Language for Preschool Teachers in Bangkok and Vicinity

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อรุณี หรดาล


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop knowledge, understanding, and abilities in provision of learning experience on whole language of preschool teachers in Bangkok and vicinity; 2) to develop a training document; and 3) to investigate the preschool teachers’ satisfaction towards the training. The sample comprised 36 preschool teachers, teaching children aged 3-6 years in early childhood setting in Bangkok and vicinity, were voluntarily and were capable of  training in two period of time. The employed research instruments consisted of the training document, a test to measure knowledge and understanding, an evaluation form for assessment of preschool teachers’ abilities on provision of learning experience on whole language, and the training satisfaction evaluation form. The statistical analysis being employed included the mean, the standard deviation, the t-test, and the content analysis. Research findings showed that the knowledge and understanding in provision of learning experience on whole language of preschool teachers were significantly higher than their pre–training counterparts at the .05 level; the abilities of preschool teachers was at a high level; a training document met the set quality criterion at highest level; and the preschool teachers rated their satisfaction towards the training as highest level. The preschool teachers’ reflection also showed that they could provide the activities and environment, including materials for children to concurrently develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

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How to Cite
หรดาล อ. (2018). The Development of Preschool Teachers’ Knowledge and Abilities in Provision of Learning Experience on Whole Language for Preschool Teachers in Bangkok and Vicinity. STOU Education Journal, 11(1), 90–103. retrieved from
Research Article