The Development of a Web-Based Training Package on Reading Strategy Instruction for English Language Teachers at Secondary Education Level

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Areerug Mejang


                  The purposes of this research were to 1) develop a web-based training package on reading strategy instruction for English language teachers at secondary education level, and  2) study results of experimenting with the developed training package. The samples comprised 33 English language teachers in secondary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission voluntarily participating in the training. The employed research instruments were (1) an evaluation form for quality assessment of the web-based training package, (2) a web-based training package, (3) a test on knowledge and understanding of reading strategy instruction, (4) a teacher diary for reflective thinking on learning management, and (5) a scale to assess the trainees’ satisfaction. The data were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, t-test, and content analysis. The research results were as follows: 1) The developed web-based training package on reading strategy instruction for English language teachers at secondary education level consisted of 2 innovations: a web-based training package and a manual. The experts evaluated the overall quality of the training package and the manual at the highest level. 2) The post-training mean score on knowledge and understanding of reading strategy instruction of the trainees was significantly higher than their pre-training counterpart mean score at the .05 level of statistical significance. The information from the trainees’ diary on learning management revealed that they were capable of conducting the instructional activities based on the concept of reading strategy instruction. They achieved their teaching goals, had understanding and confidence in teaching, and realized the benefits of reading strategy instruction. In their view, the weakness of reading strategy instruction did not arise from the instructional problems, but from the teachers themselves as they reflected that it took time to prepare a lesson, to understand the strategies, and to procure additional media.  Moreover, the teachers rated their satisfaction with the training package at the high level.

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