Constructivist Online Lesson Model to Enhance Critical Thinking of Upper Secondary Students

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Somsak Wansudol


                This research aimed to 1) create a constructivist online lesson model to enhance critical thinking of upper secondary students; and 2) study implementation results of the constructivist online lesson model to enhance critical thinking of upper secondary students.  The sample was 87 students in two classes, two schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28, Sisaket province, obtained by the cluster random sampling.  Instruments used in this research were the constructivist online lesson model to enhance critical thinking of upper secondary students, a critical thinking test form and a learning achievement test form in the topic of electric current.  Statistics used in this research were mean, standard deviation, efficiency criterion and t-test.  Results were found that 1) the constructivist online lesson model to enhance critical thinking of upper secondary students consisted of six components which were intellectual stimulation, correction wit, intellectual cooperation, critical thinking evaluation, scaffolding, and apprentice.  An overall of this model evaluation by experts about design and operation was at a high level;  and 2) the implementation result of the created online lesson model was found that (1) the model efficiency was 87.40/89.99 and the repeated experiment was 85.81/82.94, (2) the post-test critical thinking of the students was higher than their pre-test at the significant level of .01, and (3) the post-test learning achievement of  the students in the topic of electric current was higher than their pre-test at the significant level of .01.

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