The Development of Mathematics Teachers Competency on Learning Management by Using the Lesson Study of Elementary Schools in Nonthaburi Province

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Sureerat Areeraksakul Konglok


                The objectives of this study was to enhance teachers' competencies on learning management using Lesson Study of Mathematics teachers in elementary schools in Nonthaburi. The research participants were 6 Mathematics teachers from 3 elementary schools in Nonthaburi province, selected by purposive sampling technique with specified criteria. The researcher played the outsider role work together with 6 teachers were practitioners. The research was divided into 2 phases; 1) before using Lesson Study and 2) between using Lesson Study. There were 4 processes in phrase 2 which were planning, teaching, observing and reflecting the lesson on its effects. The employed research instruments consisted of 1) assessment form for learning management competency 2) interview form for learning management competency 3) self-assessment form for learning management competency 4) assessment form for learning management plan 5) observing learning management is divided into 2 sub- instruments which are (5.1) reflections form of learning management and student learning assessment report (5.2) learning management observation forms. The results of this research found that, teachers' competencies on learning management using Lesson Study of all mathematics teachers in elementary schools were increasing in both knowledge and ability in learning management: learning design, organizing learning activities, developing and using learning media, and evaluation of learning. Mathematics teachers has changed themselves for the better by joint work planning and more developed learning management.

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How to Cite
Areeraksakul Konglok, S. (2020). The Development of Mathematics Teachers Competency on Learning Management by Using the Lesson Study of Elementary Schools in Nonthaburi Province. STOU Education Journal, 13(1), 175–190. Retrieved from
Research Article


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