The Development of 5-Step Learning Activity Management Model for Enhancing Public Mind Attribute of Students in the Bachelor of Education Program, Phra Nakhon Rajabhat University

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Supawan Lekvilai
Duangduan Teswanich
Aree Rangsiyopas


           The purposes of this research were (1) to develop a 5-step learning activity management model for teacher students; (2) to compare the levels of public mind attribute of teacher students before and after using the 5-step learning activity management model; and (3) to study the public mind attribute durability of teacher students. The research sample consisted of 30 teacher students, obtained by cluster sampling method.  The research instruments were a 5-step learning activity management model, learning activity management plans, and a scale to assess student’s public mind attribute, with .83 reliability coefficient. The data were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test, and content analysis. The research findings indicated that 1) the developed 5-step learning activity management model was composed of 4 following components: (1) the principles of the 5-step learning activity management model; (2) the objectives of the 5-step learning activity management model; (3) the learning activity management process of the 5-step learning activity management model which consisted of experiencing the feelings, expansion of feelings through various media, sharing of experiences, self-evaluation and review, and application in daily life; and (4) the evaluation; 2) the public mind attribute level of the teacher students after using the 5-step learning activity management model was significantly higher than their counterpart level before using the model at the .05 level of statistical significance; and 3) the student teachers did not have the public mind attribute durability after implementation of the model.

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