The Development of Knowledge and Ability for Activity Management to Develop Preschool Children’s Analytical Thinking with Graphic Organizers for Preschool Teachers in Bangkok Metropolis and Vicinity

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Arunee Horadal
Chanipun Chartisathian


The research objectives were 1) to compare knowledge and understanding of preschool teachers in Bangkok metropolis and vicinity before and after undertaking the training on provision of activities to develop preschool children’s analytical thinking with graphic organizers; 2) to investigate preschool teachers’ abilities on provision of activities after undertaking the training; 3) to investigate the preschool teachers’ satisfaction towards the training. The sample comprised 25 preschool teachers, responsible for teaching children aged 4-6 years, in early childhood setting of the 2020 academic year in Bangkok metropolis, Nonthaburi, and Pathum Thani province, obtained by voluntary and be able to attend 2 days of training. The employed instruments consisted of the training package, a test to measure the preschool teachers’ knowledge and understanding on provision of activities, an evaluation form for assessment of preschool teachers’ abilities on provision of activities, and the training satisfaction evaluation form. Statistics employed were the mean, standard deviation, t-test, and content analysis. Research findings showed that 1) the knowledge and understanding of preschool teachers in provision of activities to develop preschool children’s analytical thinking with graphic organizer were significantly higher than their pre – training counterparts at the .01 level; 2) the abilities of preschool teachers in provision of activities was at the highest level.  Teachers were able to design various activities cooperating the use of graphic organizer and to use appropriate graphic organizer to encourage analytical thinking. However, when using graphic organizer, they overlooked the using of the positioning, lines, colors, shapes, and pictures in representing and connecting ideas that would help in clarifying and understanding concepts; and 3) the preschool teachers rated their satisfaction towards the training at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Horadal, A., & Chartisathian, C. . (2021). The Development of Knowledge and Ability for Activity Management to Develop Preschool Children’s Analytical Thinking with Graphic Organizers for Preschool Teachers in Bangkok Metropolis and Vicinity. STOU Education Journal, 14(1), 1–14. retrieved from
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