Learning Management Using Mathematical Models of Learners in Mathematics Problem Solving

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Wasukree Sangpom


Mathematical model as a mathematical teaching goal is the basic ability for learners to solve problems and apply to other disciplines. Currently, learning management in Thailand does not encourage students to solve  the problems by themselves. This research aimed to study learning management practices using mathematical models of learners to solve mathematical problems. The target group was 16 second-year students majoring in Electrical Engineering in the first semester of the academic year 2020 at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Rajamangala, University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Suphanburi Center, who enrolled in the calculus 2: polar coordinate system. The research instrument was the learning management plan: polar coordinates system, field note, interview, and reflective learning management. Data was analyzed by content analysis. The results showed that learning management using mathematical models of learners to solve mathematical problems should emphasize that students use the previous learning method with four steps: step 1: learners present mathematical problems by discussing together to plan solutions, step 2: solves problems based on a group process with teachers supporting each student’s problem solving, step 3: rational discussion and comparison of ideas in the math classroom, and step 4: summarizing to connect the mathematical concepts in the math classroom.

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How to Cite
Sangpom, W. (2021). Learning Management Using Mathematical Models of Learners in Mathematics Problem Solving. STOU Education Journal, 14(1), 74–88. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edjour_stou/article/view/247620
Research Article


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