Guidelines for School Development Toward a Learning Organization for Educational Management in the 21st Century of Schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 7

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Suriyakan Yan-in
Choochart Phuangsomjit
Koolchalee Chongcharoen


The objectives of the research were to (1) investigate the state of being learning organization for educational management in the 21st Century of schools; (2) compare the levels of being learning organization as classified by school size; and (3) propose guidelines for school development toward a learning organization. The research process comprised two phases. The first phase was the investigation of the state of being learning organization for educational management in the 21st Century. The sample consisted of 329 school administrators and teachers from schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 7. The employed instrument was a questionnaire on the state of being learning organization, with reliability coefficient of .99 and the open-ended questions. Data were analyzed using the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, and content analysis. The second phase was the proposal of guidelines for the development of schools toward being a learning organization for educational management.  The key informants were 13 experts. Data were analyzed with the checking of opinions and content analysis. The research findings showed that (1) the overall and all five specific aspects of the state of being learning organization were rated at the high level; (2) the comparison results of the levels of being learning organization as classified by school size indicated no significant difference in either the overall or specific aspects of being learning organization and (3) the guidelines for school development toward a learning organization for educational management were the following: the school personnel should be trained to have systematic thinking skills; there should be the promotion for working in teams; there should be the exchange of learning via technological networks; the schools should have clear policies on promotion of learning for their personnel; and there should be the shared determination of vision, mission, and strategic plans.

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How to Cite
Yan-in, S., Phuangsomjit, C., & Chongcharoen, K. (2021). Guidelines for School Development Toward a Learning Organization for Educational Management in the 21st Century of Schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 7. STOU Education Journal, 14(2), 31–45. retrieved from
Research Article


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