The Comparison of Learning Achievements on the Topic of Statistics of Mathayom Suksa II Students Learning under STAD Technique of Cooperative Learning and Learning under Traditional Teaching Method

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Norsameme Mana
Chittima Chopaiad
Rosnee Chariyamakarn
Supphakit Prachumkayohmat


The purposes of this research were to compare mathematics learning achievements on the topic of Statistics of Mathayom Suksa II students learning under STAD technique of cooperative learning and learning under traditional teaching method, and to compare mathematics learning achievement on the topic of Statistics of Mathayom Suksa II students learning under STAD technique of cooperative learning with a criterion. The subjects of this study were 64 Mathayom Suksa II students of Sueksasat Islam School in Narathiwat province during the second semester of 2019 academic year obtained by cluster random sampling .  The research instruments were learning management plans for the instruction under STAD technique of cooperative learning, learning management plans for traditional teaching method, and a learning achievement test.  The data were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation and t-test. The findings were as follows: The mathematics learning achievement on the topic of Statistics of Mathayom Suksa II students who learned under STAD technique of cooperative learning was significantly higher than that of students who learned under the traditional teaching method at the .01 level of significance.  Also, mathematics learning achievement on the topic of Statistics of Mathayom Suksa II students who learned under STAD technique of cooperative learning was significantly higher than the 70% prescribed criterion at the .01 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Mana, N., Chopaiad, C., Chariyamakarn, R., & Prachumkayohmat, S. (2021). The Comparison of Learning Achievements on the Topic of Statistics of Mathayom Suksa II Students Learning under STAD Technique of Cooperative Learning and Learning under Traditional Teaching Method. STOU Education Journal, 14(2), 59–74. Retrieved from
Research Article


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