The Development of an Activity Organization Model for Enhance Moral Behavior and Ethics for Faculty of Education Students, Dhonburi Rajabhat University

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Nongyao Utoomporn


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop an activity organization model to enhance moral and ethical behaviors in the aspects of discipline and responsibility for students of the Faculty of Education, Dhon Buri Rajabhat University; (2) to study the efficiency of the activity organization model and 3) to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity organization by comparing the students’ pre-learning and post-learning scores. The research procedure consisted of 4 stages as follows: (1) studying the basic data, concepts, and theories from documents and research literature to be utilized for development of the activity organization model, (2) developing the activity organization model which was verified by experts for appropriateness of the model, (3) trying out the activity organization model and (4) evaluating the effectiveness of the activity organization model. The research sample consisted of 23 fourth year students in an intact classroom who enrolled in the Course 1044103: Research for Learning Development during the second semester of the 2019 academic year, obtained by cluster random sampling.  The try-out period covered 40 hours. Data analysis was conducted using the mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results of this research revealed that 1) the developed activity organization model was composed of the following four components: principle, objectives, steps of organizing activities, and measurement and evaluation; 2) the result of efficiency evaluation of the developed activity organization model revealed that its E1/E2 efficiency was 82.48/84.89; and 3) the effectiveness evaluation results of the developed activity organization model  were as follows: (1) the sample students’ post-learning mean scores on knowledge, moral and ethical attitude, moral and ethical reason, and moral and ethical behavior in the aspects of discipline and responsibility were significantly higher than their pre-learning counterpart mean scores at the .05 level of statistical significance; and (2) the sample students were highly satisfied with the activity organization model

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How to Cite
Utoomporn, N. (2021). The Development of an Activity Organization Model for Enhance Moral Behavior and Ethics for Faculty of Education Students, Dhonburi Rajabhat University. STOU Education Journal, 14(2), 105–119. Retrieved from
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