A Model of New Normal School Administration to Desirable Educational Quality in Changing Context

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Achara Niyamabha


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study conceptual frameworks of new normal school administration and desirable educational quality in the changing context; 2) develop a model; 3) experiment the model in school; and 4) verify the structural relationship of the model to the empirical data. A sample of 240 was randomly selected from secondary school administrators. The findings revealed as follows. 1. There were six components of the new normal school administration: 1) proactive policy, 2) flexible organizational structure,

3) new operating system, 4) developing a reversal curriculum, 5) contextual learning management, and 6) interdisciplinary assessment. As for the desirable quality of education in the changing context, there were four components: 1) ability to adapt, 2) achieving goals in disrupted situations, 3) quality of learners in changing contexts, and 4) satisfaction of partners,  2. The model of new normal school administration to desirable quality in a changing context was called PSPCLE model, consisted of three parts 2) guide line of new normal school administration consisted of six components and 3) conditions for success in the new normal school administration consisted of four components 3. The results of the evaluation after the model experiment, it was found that the model was at the very high appropriate level. 4. The result of verification showed that the linear structural relationship of the developed school administration for desirable educational quality in the new normal changing context was consistent with the empirical data in that the Chi-Square /df = 1.485, p-value = 0.07494 GFI = 0.98 RMSEA = 0.036.  Recommendations from the research findings were that: school administrators should be change school administration by establishing proactive policy, flexible organizational structure, new operating system, developing a reversal curriculum, contextual learning management, and interdisciplinary assessment.

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How to Cite
Niyamabha, A. . (2021). A Model of New Normal School Administration to Desirable Educational Quality in Changing Context . STOU Education Journal, 14(2), 178–196. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edjour_stou/article/view/253277
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