The Development of TPACK Model Online Instruction to Promote Team Work for Undergraduate Students

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Wilailak Saelow
Pichayapha Yuangsoi
Passkorn Roungrong


         The purposes of this research were 1) to create and verify quality of the TPACK model online instruction to promote teamwork for undergraduate students; 2) to study the try-out results of the TPACK model online instruction to promote teamwork for undergraduate students; and 3) to investigate students' attitudes toward the TPACK model online instruction to promote teamwork for undergraduate students.  The research population comprised 36 undergraduate students in the Computer Program of the Faculty of Education, Naresuan University. The results of this study were as follows: 1) regarding the outcomes of creating and verifying quality of the TPACK model online instruction, it was found that the created TPACK model online instruction was appropriate for instruction at the high level, with the aspect of design and presentation being appropriate at the highest level, followed by the aspect of contents which was appropriate at the high level; 2) the try-out results of the TPACK model online instruction to promote teamwork for undergraduate students were as follows: (1) the teamwork scores of the undergraduate students after learning under the TPACK model online instruction were significantly higher than their pre-learning counterpart scores at the .05 level of statistical significance; and (2) the students' workpieces had scores at the highest level; and 3) the students' opinions towards the TPACK model online instruction were that the TPACK model was appropriate at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Saelow, W., Yuangsoi, P., & Roungrong, P. (2022). The Development of TPACK Model Online Instruction to Promote Team Work for Undergraduate Students. STOU Education Journal, 15(2), 102–116. Retrieved from
Research Article


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