Factors Predicting Graduation of Graduates, Bachelor of Education Program, School of Educational Studies, Sukhothai Thammatirat Open University

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Nalinee Na Nakorn
Boonsri Prommapun
Sukaroon Wongtim


        The objectives of this research were to study (1) factors predicting graduation for the students of the Bachelor of Education Program, School of Educational Studies (SES), Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), and (2) guidelines for promotion of the graduation for students in the Bachelor of Education Program, School of Educational Studies, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. The key informants were 290 students who had graduated from the Bachelor of Education Program of SES, STOU,  and 10 experts on instruction in the distance education system. The research instruments were a questionnaire on factors affecting the graduation, and a questionnaire on guidelines for promotion of undergraduate students to graduate  Log-rank test, Kaplan Meier analysis, and Cox regression survival analysis were used for analyzing quantitative data and content analysis for the qualitative data. The findings were as follows: (1) the survival analysis showed none of the factors in this study that could fit the proposed survival function model and hence, no factor was found to be able to predict the graduation of the undergraduate students in the study; by the way, when conducting the survival analysis, two variables were found to have significant hazard ratios values, within the required study time, at p > .01, namely, the majoring in Educational Measurement and Evaluation and the required minimum study time of the program; and (2) guidelines to be initiated, for the university, in promoting the graduation of the undergraduate students of Bachelor of Education Program were as follows: publicizing timely, promptly and through multiple channels, the information on programs and learning methods; the having of clear guidelines on management of instructional activities;  the provision of an academic advisor for each student; the provision of appropriate and up-to-date  study programs and course contents; and the assignment of supplementary activities for the students to work on their own.

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How to Cite
Na Nakorn, N., Prommapun, B., & Wongtim, S. (2022). Factors Predicting Graduation of Graduates, Bachelor of Education Program, School of Educational Studies, Sukhothai Thammatirat Open University. STOU Education Journal, 15(2), 176–192. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edjour_stou/article/view/257651
Research Article


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