A Measurement and Evaluation Model in Educational Institutes to Support Learners in Achieving Desired Educational Outcomes Based on the 2018 National Education Standards

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Vandee Sangprateeptong
Ratchaneekool Pinyopanuwat
Jareeluk Ratanaphan
Sasiton Kanjanasuwan
Suttiwan Tantirojanawong


         This research aimed to develop measurement and evaluation models in educational institutes to support students in achieving desired educational outcomes based on the 2018 National Education Standards. The key informants, who relayed information on measurement and evaluation in educational institutions, were 489 school administrators and 1,707 teachers, selected by multi-stage sampling from primary schools, formal and non-formal education institutes, vocational schools, and university demonstration schools. The interviewees, who provided information on measurement and evaluation trends, were 10 educational administrators responsible for policy-making in educational agencies and academics. The individuals who were in charge of inspecting the quality of the models were 40 school administrators and teachers from all education levels, supervisors of the Primary Educational Service Area Office, measurement and evaluation experts, and educational experts. The research tools were questionnaires for school administrators and teachers, an interview, group discussion topics, and measurement and evaluation models. The data were analyzed by using frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, and content analysis. The results revealed that firstly, the desired measurement and evaluation models based on the 2018 National Education Standards were comprised of five factors, which were the principles, the objectives, the system and mechanics, the implementation and evaluation method, and the factors for the model’s success. Secondly, the models met the standards for quality in a highly satisfactorily manner in terms of benefits, appropriateness, practicality, and accuracy.

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How to Cite
Sangprateeptong, V., Pinyopanuwat, R., Ratanaphan, J., Kanjanasuwan, S., & Tantirojanawong, S. (2022). A Measurement and Evaluation Model in Educational Institutes to Support Learners in Achieving Desired Educational Outcomes Based on the 2018 National Education Standards. STOU Education Journal, 15(1), 202–216. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edjour_stou/article/view/257787
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