Desirable State of School Leader Development Roadmap Based on the Concept of Future Leadership Competencies

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Suchitra Pipattanapong
Suebsakul Narintarangkul-na-ayudhaya
Pruet Siribanpitak


       The objectives of this research were 1) to study the desirable future leadership competencies of school management; 2) to explore the desirable state of school leader development roadmap based on the concept of future leadership competencies. The research sample consisted of 481 primary and secondary schools under supervision of the Office of the Basic Education. The 743 informants comprised school administrators and deputy school administrators. The research instrument was a survey questionnaire. Statistics employed for data analysis were the frequency and percentage. The research findings revealed that 1) the future leadership competencies include 12 competencies. The top six aspects of future leadership competencies out of twelve competencies are 1.1) Visionary, 1.2) Strategic Management, 1.3) Networking & Collaboration, 1.4) Integrity, 1.5) Driving Innovation & Changes, and 1.6) Clear Communication. 2) The desirable state of school leader development roadmap based on the concept of future leadership competencies are as follows: 2.1) The three development programs consist of (1) Pre-service Program, (2) Induction Program, and (3) In-service Program. 2.2) The desirable development approach is the Blended Development 70:20:10 which is learning through experiences; learning through exposure; and learning through education or training. 2.3) The top three aspects of online-blended development include (1) Self-paced learning (2) Digital learning (3) Online networking while the top three aspects of offline-blended development 70:20:10 include (1) Coaching (2) Workshop (3) PLC.

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How to Cite
Pipattanapong, S., Narintarangkul-na-ayudhaya, S., & Siribanpitak, P. (2022). Desirable State of School Leader Development Roadmap Based on the Concept of Future Leadership Competencies. STOU Education Journal, 15(2), 21–37. Retrieved from
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