Relationship Between Social Well-being and Mental Health Problems of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Arunya Tuicomepee


         This study aimed to examine 1) mental health problems of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic; and 2) the relationship between social well-being and mental health problems of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were 305 older adults, obtained by using a convenience sampling technique.  Research instruments included questions to ask older adults to self-report about the impact of COVID-19; and 2) social well-being, stress, anxiety, and depression scales, each with a reliability coefficient of .72, .81, .77, and .85 respectively. Hierarchical regression analysis was performed to analyze the data. The findings revealed that 1) older adults had mental health problems, including stress, anxiety, and depression at levels higher than normal; and 2) social well-being was correlated with mental health problems of older adults as follows: (1) Independent variables consisting of gender, age, and the impact of COVID-19 predicted mental health problems, particularly depression, in older adults at the .01 level of statistical significance. (2) Age, gender, the impact of COVID-19, and social well-being predicted stress and depression at a statistically significant level of .01, and anxiety at a statistically significant level of .05. Older adults who reported themselves as highly affected by COVID-19 were at a high risk of depression. Moreover, those with low social well-being were at higher risk of stress, anxiety, and depression.

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How to Cite
Tuicomepee, A. (2022). Relationship Between Social Well-being and Mental Health Problems of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic. STOU Education Journal, 15(2), 133–146. Retrieved from
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