Development of Chatbot Training Package for Enhancing Cyber Bullying Awareness for Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University's Students

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Niranart Sansa
Chutiwat Suwatthipong


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop an interactive Chatbot training package to enhance cyber bullying awareness for Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University students; 2) to study the efficiency of the interactive Chatbot training package; and 3) to study the satisfaction with the interactive Chatbot training package. Research informants for the development of the training package were 5 experts and 20 students at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. Research informants for the efficiency testing of the training package were 6 experts. The research sample in the study of satisfaction with the training package consisted of 33 Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University students. Research tools were question guidelines for focus group discussion, a training package performance assessment form, and a questionnaire on satisfaction with the training package. Data were analyzed using the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The research results were as follows: 1) the developed interactive Chatbot training package had the following components: (1) Chatbot Line named StopBullyBot, and (2) Chatbot Line menu consisting of six contents enhancing cyber bullying awareness: (2.1) bullying the others, (2.2) being bullied by the others, (2.3) having seen people bullying each other, (2.4) interesting web links and statistics, (2.5) a manual for using Chatbot, and (2.6) contacting us; 2) the efficiency testing results of the interactive Chatbot training package showed that the overall system of the training package was appropriate at the highest level, with the security aspect of the system having the highest appropriate rating mean, to be followed by the aspect of ability to meet the needs, and the aspect of performance efficiency of the system, respectively; and 3) the overall satisfaction with the interactive Chatbot training package of the students in the research sample was at the highest level.

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