Developing Mathematics Problem Solving and Mathematics Communication Ability by Using Open Approach in the Topic of Time for Grade 3 Students at Chumchon Ban Thung School in Lampang Province

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Paphon Tangprasroet
Sureerat Areeraksakul Konglok
Vinit Thueakthong


The purposes of this research were (1) to develop mathematics problem solving ability in the topic of Time; and (2) to develop mathematical communication ability in the topic of Time of students who engaged in learning activities under the Open Approach.  The target group consisted of 26 Grade 3 students of Chumchon Ban Thung School in Lampang Province. The research was conducted in 3 cycles.  The research instruments were  learning management plans in the topic of Time, the protocol analysis recording forms, the performance assessment forms, the classroom observation forms, a recording form after using learning activities plan, quizzes, a mathematics problem-solving ability test, and a mathematics communication ability test.  The data were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, content analysis, interpretation, and conclusion. The results showed that (1) the mathematics problem solving abilities of students in the whole class were higher immediately after practicing in the second cycle; however, the average scores were greater than 70 percent in all cycles and after the end of the operation (74.23, 81.35, 79.04 and 70.77 respectively); if only normal students were considered, it was found that their average scores were more than 90% in all cycles and more than 80% after the end of the operation (91.32, 90.79 and 90.53, and 86.32 respectively); and (2) the mathematical communication abilities of students in the whole class increased from the fair level to the good and very good levels respectively; in the first cycle, 26.92% of the students had the fair level of mathematical communication abilities, while 73.08% of them had the good level of mathematical communication abilities; in the second cycle, 11.54% of students had the fair level while 88.46% of them had the good level of mathematical communication abilities; in the third cycle, 19.23% of students had the good level while 80.77% of them had the very good level of mathematical communication abilities; and at the end of the operation, 80.77% of students had the good level or higher of mathematical communication abilities.

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