Enhancing Ability to Solve Word Problems in Mathematics and Classroom Interaction by Using TAI Cooperative Learning Activities with KWDL Technique in the Topic of Pyramid Cone and Sphere of Grade 9 Students at Ban Pakkang School (Pracharajrangsarit) in Phrae Province

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Pawitra Chaikhankaew
Sureerat Areeraksakul Konglok
Vinit Thueakthong


The objectives of this classroom action research were to 1) study the ability of solve word problems in Mathematics of Grade 9 students who studied with TAI Cooperative Learning Activities and KWDL Technique 2) study the classroom interactions of Grade 9 students who studied with TAI Cooperative Learning Activities and KWDL Technique.  The target group was Grade 9 students, studying in the second semester of the academic year 2021 in Ban Pakkang School (Pracharajrangsarit). The research instruments were 1) the learning activities plan using TAI Cooperative Learning Activities with KWDL 2) the ability to solve word problems in mathematics test 3) the classroom interaction scale 4) the record form after using learning activities plan 5) the teacher's behavior observation form 6) the student’s learning behavior observation form 7) the quiz for measuring the ability to solve word problems in mathematics. Data were analyzed by using the average and the standard deviation, content analysis, interpretation and conclusion. Findings revealed that 1) after implementation of TAI Cooperative Learning Activities with KWDL Technique, the students' ability to solve Mathematics problems had an average score of 72.12%, and there were about 63.63% of the students whose scored were 70 percent or above, and the students' ability to solve mathematical problems was continually improving in every cycle. The average scores were 68.41%, 73.64 and 74.09, respectively. 2) Classroom interactions of the students were at a good level with a little improvement, the average scores were of  3.76%, 3.77 and 3.93, respectively.


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How to Cite
Chaikhankaew, P., Areeraksakul Konglok , S. ., & Thueakthong , V. . (2023). Enhancing Ability to Solve Word Problems in Mathematics and Classroom Interaction by Using TAI Cooperative Learning Activities with KWDL Technique in the Topic of Pyramid Cone and Sphere of Grade 9 Students at Ban Pakkang School (Pracharajrangsarit) in Phrae Province. STOU Education Journal, 16(1), 140–156. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edjour_stou/article/view/261654
Research Article


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