The Results of Developing Teachers' Ability to Design Active Learning Activities to Deal with Disasters Using Local Area Networks and Lesson Study: A Case Study of Sai Khao-Tha Ho Subdistrict Administrative Organization School, Chiang Rai Province

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Jakkrit Jantakoon
Suphornthip Thanaphatchottiwat
Ruangthong Thaphan
Amornrat Wattanathorn
Parinyapast Seethong


This research aimed to study the results of developing teachers' ability to design active learning activities to deal with disasters using local area networks and lesson study. The target group comprised 18 teachers from Sai Khao-Tha Ho Subdistrict Administrative Organization School. Data were collected using training plans, assessment forms for designing active learning activities to deal with disasters, and an interview form. The collected data were analyzed using mean and content analysis. The results indicated that, 1) overall, teachers' ability to design active learning activities to deal with disasters was at a good level. They employed multiple instructional methods and active learning techniques consistent with the learning outcomes and the learners' ages. These methods included (1) using simulations for surviving shooting rampages, evacuating during earthquakes and fires; (2) implementing gamification, such as using a Monopoly game to learn earthquake survival and a Bingo game to address the fight against COVID-19; (3) using music to raise awareness, such as earthquake remembrance songs and songs promoting frequent handwashing; (4) employing role plays to build understanding and sympathy, including practicing self-isolation at home for both COVID-19 patients and co-residents; (5) demonstrating and practicing evading earthquakes and proper mask-wearing; (6) utilizing geographic processes and instruments to create a risk map; and (7) employing the timeline technique to learn the history of earthquakes.  2) Furthermore, the director and teachers demonstrated a shared vision, worked as a team, maintained positive energy, and focused on mutual benefits. This collaborative effort led to success in designing active learning activities to deal with disasters for students and the community.

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How to Cite
Jantakoon, J., Thanaphatchottiwat, S., Thaphan, R., Wattanathorn, A., & Seethong, P. . (2023). The Results of Developing Teachers’ Ability to Design Active Learning Activities to Deal with Disasters Using Local Area Networks and Lesson Study: A Case Study of Sai Khao-Tha Ho Subdistrict Administrative Organization School, Chiang Rai Province. STOU Education Journal, 16(2), 158–173. Retrieved from
Research Article


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