Effectiveness of Learning Management Policies During the Situation of Coronavirus 2019 Outbreak of the Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Somboon Sirisunhirun
Phut Ploywan


The objectives of this research are to: 1) study the factors affecting the effectiveness of learning management policies; 2) study the effectiveness of learning management policies; and 3) study the factors affecting the effectiveness of learning management policies in the period of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The sample used in this study includes 157 teachers from different regions of Thailand. The research tools were questionnaires about factors related to policy effectiveness and the effectiveness of learning management policies. The reliability was 0.941 and 0.937. The statistics used for analysis were mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this study showed that 1) factors related to policy effectiveness include the COVID-19 factor, the policy maker factor, the system factor, and the environment factor. 2) The effectiveness level of teachers' learning management was at a high level, and 3) the policy management system factor is the only factor that affects the effectiveness of the policy.


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How to Cite
Sirisunhirun, S., & Ploywan, P. (2023). Effectiveness of Learning Management Policies During the Situation of Coronavirus 2019 Outbreak of the Office of the Basic Education Commission. STOU Education Journal, 16(2), 174–187. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edjour_stou/article/view/263771
Research Article


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