Development of Learning Design for Competency-Based Learning of Science Teachers by Using Self-Directed Learning Strategies

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Jurarat Thammaprateep


        The aims of this study were to develop a learning design for competency-based learning and study self-directed learning of science teachers through online professional development using self-directed learning strategies and to study best practices of online professional development using self-directed learning strategies. The study group comprised 15 in-service science teachers who applied for the five-month online training program. Data was collected from competency-based learning design assessments, self-directed learning assessments, reflection, and focus group interviews. The qualitative data analysis methods were employed. The findings revealed that science teachers' competency in designing competency-based learning management improved. The best practices included: 1) self-assessment tools, motivation, goal setting, encouraged teachers to design and plan competency-based learning management; 2) online media and learning resources were used to enhance knowledge in designing competency-based learning management; 3) self-evaluation and reflection, along with feedbacks from resource persons, enabled teachers and participants to improve and develop their competency-based learning design skills; and 4) training with long enough duration together with the establishment of good interaction between the resource persons and teachers affected the acceptance of and openness to learning on how to design competency-based learning and apply it in their classrooms.

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How to Cite
Thammaprateep, J. (2023). Development of Learning Design for Competency-Based Learning of Science Teachers by Using Self-Directed Learning Strategies. STOU Education Journal, 16(2), 123–140. Retrieved from
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