The Effect of Assimilative Integration Group Counseling Based on Rational Emotive Behavior Theory on Cognitive Flexibility of Undergraduate Students

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Saranya Raphee-a-phakul
Doldao Wongtheerathorn
Sompong Panhoon


        This research article was aimed to study the effect of assimilative integration group counseling based on Rational Emotive Behavior Theory on cognitive flexibility of undergraduate students.  This study was an experimental research. The sample group consisted of 16 first year students in a bachelor’s degree program of the Faculty of Education, Burapha University, whose scores of cognitive flexibility were at the least level (less than 119 points) from regional norms created by the researcher, and they voluntarily participated in the experiment.  They were randomly assigned by taking lots into an experimental group and a control group, each of which consisting of 8 students. The research instruments used were (1) a scale to assess cognitive flexibility, with the overall reliability of .89; and (2) an assimilative integration group counseling program based on Rational Emotive Behavior Theory, which had passed the evaluation of IOC and appropriateness by three experts. Data was statistically analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, and two way repeated measure ANOVA. The findings revealed that (1) there was a statistically significant interaction at the .05 level between the method and the duration of the experiment; (2) the experimental group students’ cognitive flexibility scores at the end of the experiment and during the follow-up phase were significantly higher than their pre-experiment counterpart scores; and (3) the experimental group students’ post-experiment and follow-up phase cognitive flexibility scores were significantly higher than the control group students’ post-experiment and follow-up phase counterpart scores at the .05 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Raphee-a-phakul, S., Wongtheerathorn, D. ., & Panhoon, S. (2023). The Effect of Assimilative Integration Group Counseling Based on Rational Emotive Behavior Theory on Cognitive Flexibility of Undergraduate Students. STOU Education Journal, 16(2), 104–122. Retrieved from
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