The Development of Massive Multiplayer Online Games Model Affecting Learning Behaviors to Enhance Skills in the Digital Age

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Chatchai Puangplub
Sunchai Pattanasith
Sutithep Siripipattanakul


        This research aims to:1) examine the components of massive multiplayer online games that impact the learning behavior to enhance skills in the digital age; 2) investigate the relationships between the behavior of players in massive multiplayer online games and the skills in the digital age acquired through gameplay; 3) explore the correlation between the patterns of play in massive multiplayer online games and the skills in the digital age acquired; and 4) develop a model of massive multiplayer online games influencing learning behavior to enhance skills in the digital age. The research instruments include: 1) a draft of the massive multiplayer online games, 2) an online gaming behavior questionnaire, and 3) a form to assess the suitability and acceptance of the massive multiplayer online games. The researchers analyzed the data using percentages, means, standard deviations, and Pearson correlation coefficients. The findings revealed that 1) the patterns of massive multiplayer online games influencing learning behavior to enhance skills in the digital age consist of three main components: (1) the components of massive multiplayer online games, (2) the behavior of players in online games, and (3) skills in the digital age. 2) Player behavior in online games is also correlated with skills in the digital age. Moreover, the variables of player behavior and the components of online games can explain the variability in skills in the digital age by 35% of the variation in skill variables in the digital age (R2 = 0.35). 3) The components of massive multiplayer online games are significantly correlated at the level of statistical significance with skills in the digital age (p-value < 0.05). Similarly, 4) the developed model of massive multiplayer online games that consists of three main components had the evaluation results at the highest level (M = 4.88, SD = 0.35).

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How to Cite
Puangplub, C., Pattanasith, S., & Siripipattanakul, S. (2023). The Development of Massive Multiplayer Online Games Model Affecting Learning Behaviors to Enhance Skills in the Digital Age. STOU Education Journal, 16(2), 66–82. retrieved from
Research Article


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