The Development of 10th Graders’ Collaborative Problem Solving Competency Using DEEPER Scaffolding Model

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Phaithun Koompapun
Jeerawan Ketsing


     The objective of this research was to develop grade 10 students’ Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) competency using the DEEPER Scaffolding model. The participants were 33 10th  graders in the science-math program who studied chemistry at a public school in Bangkok. Data were obtained from the CPS Performance Test. The reliability coefficient of the test was 0.71. Content analysis was used for data analysis by classifying students’ responses according to three rubric criteria: high, medium, and need improvement. The results showed that after learning through the DEEPER Scaffolding model, the majority of children (54.55%) had a high level of CPS competency. It was followed closely by medium level (42.42%). When considering each sub-competency of the CPS under the context of Safety and skills in chemical operations and chemical bonds, the students developed the most of CPS competency in the sub-competency of ‘taking appropriate action to solve the problem’. It was followed by the sub-component of ‘establishing and maintaining team organisation’. The sub-competency in which the children developed the least was ‘establishing and maintaining shared understanding’.

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How to Cite
Koompapun, P., & Ketsing, J. (2024). The Development of 10th Graders’ Collaborative Problem Solving Competency Using DEEPER Scaffolding Model. STOU Education Journal, 17(1), 16–36. retrieved from
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