The Development of Innovative Thinking Skill and Collaborative Problem Solving Competency by Using STEM Innovation Learning Approach in the Topic of Plant of Grade 11 Students at Pluakdaeng Pittayakom School, Rayong Province

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Donnarit Chamnanchon
Jurarat Thammaprateep
Tweesak Chindanurak


      The purposes of this action research were to: 1) develop innovative thinking skills and collaborative problem solving competency of grade 11 students at Pluakdaeng Pittayakom school learning through the STEM innovation learning approach in the topic of plants, and 2) study the best practices of learning management in the STEM innovation learning approach, which fosters both innovative thinking skills and collaborative problem solving competency. The study group comprised 41 students from Pluakdaeng Pittayakom school selected through purposive sampling. The employed research instruments were the STEM innovation learning approach lesson plans, an innovative thinking skill assessment form, a student innovation work evaluation form, a collaborative problem solving competency assessment form, a collaborative problem solving performance observation form, and learning logs from teachers and students. Data underwent analysis using frequency, percentage and inductive analysis. The research findings revealed that: 1) throughout each operational cycle, all students exhibited a higher level of innovative thinking skills and collaborative problem solving competency development. In the third cycle, 36 students (87.8%) displayed a high degree of innovative thinking skills and all students showcased a high level of performance in collaborative problem-solving competency, and 2) the best practices relating to the learning management approach, include: (1) selecting problem situations aligned with students' prior experiences and learning objectives to enhance their problem identification skills, (2) incorporating motivational questions during the design phase to facilitate the creation of more successful products, and (3) establishing a shared understanding of presentation and assessment objectives among groups, leading to improved work quality. 

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How to Cite
Chamnanchon, D., Thammaprateep, . J., & Chindanurak, T. . (2024). The Development of Innovative Thinking Skill and Collaborative Problem Solving Competency by Using STEM Innovation Learning Approach in the Topic of Plant of Grade 11 Students at Pluakdaeng Pittayakom School, Rayong Province. STOU Education Journal, 17(1), 87–104. retrieved from
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