Development of a Competency Assessment for External Evaluators at the Basic Education Level

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Supaporn Sirichat
Sasiton Kanchanasuvarna
Somkid Promjouy


        The objectives of this study were to 1) develop a competency assessment for external evaluators at the basic education level, 2) validate the competency assessment for external evaluators at the basic education level. The sample consisted of 350 external evaluators at the basic education level, which was determined by Taro Yamane formula, with a margin of error of 5% and a confidence level by 95%. The sampling was carried out proportional to the number of evaluators in 37 External Quality Assessment Units, obtained by simple random sampling. The employed research instrument was a competency assessment scale for external evaluators at the basic education level; composing of content validity, construct validity, discriminating power and reliability coefficient. Research findings were as follows: 1) The developed a competency assessment for external evaluators at the basic education level had three factors including, knowledge competency domain with of three indicators, skill competency domain with of four indicators, and attribute competency domain with of two indicators. 2) Content validity of the competency assessment ranged from .57 to 1.00. For the Construct validity, the result revealed that (21) measuring the goodness of fit between the model and empirical data was 35.69, goodness of fit index (GFI) of .98, adjust goodness of fit index (AGFI) of .95, comparative fit index (CFI) of .99, standard root mean square (SRMR) of .03. Discriminating power ranged from .30 to .76. Reliability coefficient was .89

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How to Cite
Sirichat, S., Kanchanasuvarna, S. ., & Promjouy, S. (2024). Development of a Competency Assessment for External Evaluators at the Basic Education Level. STOU Education Journal, 17(1), 105–118. retrieved from
Research Article


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