A Development of Media Enhancing Creative Learning Based on Academic Integrity for Students in Digital Age
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The objectives of this study are to: 1) survey the academic integrity of students in the digital age, 2) develop media that enhance creative learning based on academic integrity for students in the digital age using a video clip, and 3) evaluate the results of using the developed media. The sample consisted of 1,010 university students, selected through stratified random sampling to complete the academic integrity questionnaire, and 89 university students, selected through purposive sampling to assess the quality of the video clip media. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling (SEM). Research results revealed that 1) Students demonstrated a high level of academic integrity, such as never buying assignments, never paying others to attend classes on their behalf, and never profiting from attending classes for others. However, they also exhibited a high level of academic dishonesty behaviors, including copying homework, copying information without reading the original source, and copying information without proper citations. Furthermore, the study confirmed that attitudes toward academic integrity, academic performance, and academic integrity training significantly contribute to reducing academic dishonesty; 2) The developed video clip media addressed topics such as the state and issues of academic dishonesty, the concept of plagiarism, types of plagiarism, strategies to avoid plagiarism, plagiarism detection programs, and Creative Commons. The video clip, which incorporated infographics and animations, was presented in a seven-minute format via YouTube, and 3) The quality assessment of the video clip media was rated at a high level across all criteria, including content and data accuracy, feasibility, achievement of objectives, appropriateness of content and duration, and overall usability.
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