The Complexity of Educational Inequality among Out-of-School Children and Youths: Lessons Learned from the Field

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Luechai Sringernyuang
Chararinchon Satian
Kosin Hintao
Jarupapha Wasi
Jirattakarn Pongpakatien
Cholthaya Songroop
Panatda Chumnansook
Lalita Waisinittham
Waraporn Loungmanee
Angkarn Chaisuwan


The objective of this research is to construct the body of knowledge regarding the complexity of educational inequality among out-of-school children from four areas comprising (1) out-of-school children network in Khon Kaen (Thai Sikkha Association); (2) Nakhon Sawan City Municipality and Mahidol University, Nakhon Sawan Campus; (3) the network of non-formal and informal education teachers, Chachoengsao Provincial Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education; and (4) Young Awakening Camp, Asham Wongsanit, Sathiankoset-Nakapratheep Foundation, Nakhon Nayok Province. The hypothesis held for this research is that the problems of educational inequality are complex, hence, we need to consider collecting non-bias perspectives through Developmental Evaluation (DE) integrated with the Contemplative Education approach.  Key findings of this research include the complexity, patterns, and dynamics of out-of-school children's lives that demonstrate the tip of the iceberg and the attributing factors, which are the family, community, mainstream education and reductionist nature of social system.   

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Sringernyuang, L., Satian, C., Hintao, K., Wasi, J., Pongpakatien, J., Songroop, C., Chumnansook, P., Waisinittham, L., Loungmanee, W., & Chaisuwan, A. (2024). The Complexity of Educational Inequality among Out-of-School Children and Youths: Lessons Learned from the Field . STOU Education Journal, 17(2), 180–197. Retrieved from
Research Article


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