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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
    Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal accepts articles for publication, including academic articles, research articles, and review articles in the fields of humanities. These are anthropology, linguistics, English language, Thai language, literature, music, performing arts, visual arts, philosophy, and religion; as well as in the field of social sciences such as sociology, history, social development, law, political science, public administration, and other related disciplines. Other disciplines, research methodologies, or theories in humanities and social sciences are invited for publication.
Submission Preparation Checklist
    1. The manuscript is typewritten in Thai or English which includes abstracts in both Thai and English.
    2. The manuscript should be typewritten approximately 10-16 pages, printed on B5 paper, single-sided, with page numbers in Arabic numerals centered at the top of each page. The paper margins should be set to 1.5 inches (3 centimeters) from the top and left edges, and 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) from the bottom and right edges.
    3. The manuscript should be typewritten with the TH Sarabun PSK font style.
A Copy of the Manuscript
    1. Thai and English titles should be typewritten in bold 18-point font.
    2. The author typewrites biographical information in Thai or English. This includes writing with full names, using 14-point font, along with the author's affiliated institution or organization, postal address, and email address in the footer of the first page, using 12-point font.
    3. The abstract that is written in Thai and English should be a single paragraph summarizing the key points of the article, approximately 200-250 words, using a 14-point font. The abstract heading should be in bold 14-point font.
    4. The author should not add more than 5 words for keywords that are written in Thai or English. Keywords should be listed at the end of the abstract, using 14-point font. The keywords should be in bold 14-point font.
    5. To submit academic articles, research articles, and review articles, the content should be included with an introduction, and a conclusion with author-date citation system, using a 14-point font. The main headings should be typewritten in bold 14-point font.
   6. Figures should be clear, depicting essential content, with descriptions and citations in a 14-point font. The authors should set up a 14-point font in bold for "Figure" and "Figure Number", while the caption for the figures should be written in 14-point font.
Figure 1  
Table Showing Note 
    7. All manuscripts should conform to the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th  Edition) (refer to the details in the References Format section).
    8. The author must include full name, academic position (optional), current affiliation, telephone number, and email address.
Evaluating of Manuscripts 
    The manuscripts must undergo evaluation by qualified 2-3 reviewers in the fields relevant to the paper content. The evaluation must involve 3 reviewers in a double-blind peer review format (where reviewers do not know the author's identity and vice versa) for an author intends to use the article for the academic promotion. The process is divided into 3 steps:
    1. Accept - accept for publication with no revisions.
    2. Revision – accept but requires revisions.
    3. Reject– reject for publication.
Step 2 indicates that an author’s manuscript is accepted with revisions. The editorial team provides feedback for revisions. Authors are required to revise the manuscripts according to the reviewers' feedback and return manuscripts to the editorial team within the specified timeframe.
APA (7th  Edition) Format
    1. Published Book, with editor
Author Surname, A. A. (Year)./Title of the book/(X ed.)./Publisher. 
    2. Translated Book 
Author Surname, A. A./(Year)./Title of work in original language [Title of work in English]. Publisher. 
    3. Article or Chapter in an Edited Book
Author Surname, A. A./(Year)./Title of the chapter./In Editor/(Eds.),/Title of the book/(Edition ed.,/pp./xx-///////xxx)./URL
    4. Research Article
Author Surname,/Initial./(Year)./Title of research./(Place of Publication:/Publisher
    5. Conference Proceeding
Author Surname,/Initial./(Year)/Title of article./In/Initial./Author Surname/(Ed.),/Title of proceeding./Title of conference proceeding/(pp./)./Database.
* Include a DOI or a URL at the end of the reference, if the journal article has a DOI or a URL..
Example: Publisher./http://doi.org/AAAAA.6. [Thesis].
    7. Pamphlet, Brochure, or Mimeograph
Author Surname, A. A./(Year)./Title of the brochure/[Brochure]./Publisher.
    8. Patent 
Author Name/Surname./(Year)./Title of patent./Number of patent./Place of Publication/:Publisher.
    9. Journal Article 
Author Surname, A. A./(Year)./Title:./Subtitle./Publisher.
    10. Newspaper Article 
Author Surname, A. A./(Date)./Title of article./Title of Newspaper, page numbers of the whole article.
    11. Online Newspaper Article 
Author Surname, A. A./(Year,/Date/Month). Title of article./Title of Online Newspaper,/pp./URL
    12. Online Resource 
Author Surname, A. A./(Date). Title of document. Retrieved/Date/Month/Year,/from http://...