Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal adheres to ethical standards which comes with the following responsibilities of editors, authors, and reviewers in the act of publishing:
The Editor’s Duties and Responsibilities
     1. The editors are responsible for examining all submitted manuscripts to ensure that the content of manuscripts are inconsistent with the aims and scope of the journal.
     2. The editors must not disclose any information about reviewers and authors to unauthorized persons during the evaluation process.
     3. The editors are responsible for selecting articles for publication after the peer-review process, mainly based on accuracy and adherence to the scope and policy of the Journal. 
     4. The editors do not have conflicts of interest with authors and reviewers whether for business benefits or academic purposes. 
     5. Before publishing, the editors thoroughly check articles for plagiarism using a reliable program designed to detect and identify instances of plagiarism, Copyright, Academic Work, and Thesis Checking System (CopyCatch). Suppose plagiarism is found in 20% of a submitted manuscript during the evaluation process. In that case, editors will stop the process and contact the authors immediately to obtain an explanation as part of the consideration to ‘accept’ or ‘reject’ that article. 
     6. The editors must not reject the publication of articles due to doubts or uncertainties and they must find evidence to prove those doubts. 
     7. It is necessary to carefully verify the accuracy and completeness of manuscripts before publication. Editors must ensure that they must not change any information about authors’ manuscripts. 
The Author’s Duties and Responsibilities
     1. Authors confirm that the presented work is original and adherence to the scope and policy of the Journal. Authors must present their articles in the form specified in ‘Author Guidelines’.
     2. Authors confirm that the articles have never been published elsewhere. 
     3. The sequence of authors should be determined by the relative overall contributions to the manuscripts. Authors named in the article must take part in the actual manuscripts. 
     4. The authors must write the articles correctly according to the writing format guidelines provided by the editorial team.
     5.  Authors are required to revise the manuscripts according to the comments of the editorial team and the reviewers. If revisions are not received within the specified timeframe, the manuscripts may be considered rejected.
     6. For Research articles related to conducting research involving humans, authors should provide a letter from the Human Research Ethics Committee. If the authors are not provided letters, they should write letters of explanation for the journal to consider.
The Reviewer’s Duties and Responsibilities
     1. The reviewers do not have conflicts of interest with authors and reviewers whether for business benefits or academic purposes.
     2. The reviewers must not take advantage of any information from the manuscripts.
     3. Reviewers must be adequately qualified to review the assigned manuscript.
     4. Reviewers are required to review the manuscripts within the specified timeframe.
     5. The reviewers must not take advantage of any information from the manuscript under review in their work without permission from the author and the editors.
     6. Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts exclusively based on their academic merit and provide constructive feedback that enhances the quality of the articles.