Knowledge Management of Local Wisdom in Occupation of Tumbon Thap Krit Chum Seang District Nakhon Sawan Province

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อุทัยวรรณ ภู่เทศ


The research in Knowledge Management of Local
Wisdom in Occupation of Tumbon Thap Krit Chum Seang
District Nakhon Sawan Province has its goals to study the
process of knowledge management of local wisdom in
occupation of the households in Tumbon Thap Krit Chum Seang
District Nakhon Sawan Province. The study is preceded in
qualitative approach with the population samples especially
taken through purposive selection method from the households
with skills in the local wisdom. The data is collected and
complied by the researcher is self-gatherer with the focus
on interview in both formal and informal, participative
observation, and focus group discussion. The results of the
study have revealed that:
The process of knowledge management in occupational
have show that this is the consequence of relatives and
kindred relationship system within the sub-group or between
sub-group, which is a mechanism that connects the households
of common occupation to exchange knowledge and share
information with mutual care in a trustful manner. It is
also affected be the enthusiasm in learning of the persons
who engage in that occupation, and most importantly, the
ideal or value of the persons in living based on the selfsufficiency economy adhered firmly from the past.

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How to Cite
ภู่เทศ อ. (2019). Knowledge Management of Local Wisdom in Occupation of Tumbon Thap Krit Chum Seang District Nakhon Sawan Province. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 5(1), 313–330. retrieved from
Research Articles